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Currency Conversion Concerns: New York Issues Guidance on Virtual Currencies

On December 5, 2014, the New York Department of Taxation and Finance (Department) released TSB-M-14(5)C, (7)I, (17)S.  This (relatively short) bulletin sets forth the treatment of convertible virtual currency for sales, corporation and personal income tax purposes.  The bulletin follows on a notice released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in March of this year, Notice 2014-21.

The IRS Notice indicates that, for federal tax purposes, the IRS will treat virtual currency as property, and will not treat it as currency for purposes of foreign currency gains or losses.  Taxpayers must convert virtual currency into U.S. dollars when determining whether there has been a gain or loss on transactions involving the currency.  When receiving virtual currency as payment, either for goods and services or as compensation, the virtual currency is converted into U.S. dollars (based on the fair market value of the virtual currency at the time of receipt) to determine the value of the payment.

The IRS Notice only relates to “convertible virtual currency.”  Virtual currency is defined as a “digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and/or a store of value.”  Convertible virtual currency is virtual currency that “has an equivalent value in real currency, or that acts as a substitute for real currency.”

The Department’s bulletin also addresses only convertible virtual currency, and uses a definition identical to the IRS definition.  The Department indicates that it will follow the federal treatment of virtual currency for purposes of the corporation tax and personal income tax.

For sales and use tax purposes, the bulletin states that convertible virtual currency is intangible property and therefore not subject to tax.  Thus, the transfer of virtual currency itself is not subject to tax.  However, the exchange of virtual currency for products and services will be treated as a barter transaction, and the amount of tax due is calculated based on the fair market value of the virtual currency at the time of the exchange.

The Department should be applauded for issuing guidance on virtual currency.  It appears that these types of currencies will be used more and more in the future, and may present difficult tax issues.

However, the Department’s guidance is incomplete.  There are a couple of unanswered questions that taxpayers will still need to ponder.

First, the definition of convertible virtual currency is somewhat broad and unclear.  The Department and the IRS define “convertible” virtual currency as currency that has an “equivalent” value in real currency, but equivalent is not defined in either the IRS Notice or the bulletin.  Many digital products and services use virtual currency or points that cannot be legally exchanged for currency to reward users, and the IRS and the Department should be clearer about the tax treatment of those currencies.

Second, although the Department will follow the federal treatment for characterization and income recognition purposes, the bulletin does not discuss apportionment.  This is likely a very small issue at this point in time, but the Department will, [...]

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Extraordinary Turnout and Discussions at ULC Unclaimed Property Drafting Meeting

Failing to attend last week’s Uniform Law Commission’s (ULC’s) Drafting Committee meeting to revise the 1995 Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (the Act) was worse than missing the 2012 Extravakranza.  On November 7 and 8, 2014, the Who’s Who of the Abandoned and Unclaimed Property world (AUP for insiders needing abbreviations for texting) met in Washington, D.C. for a two-day marathon to modernize state unclaimed property law.  The chair of the committee noted that several thousand pages of comments had been received so far and that attendance at the meeting was greater than any other issue the ULC pursued other than the Uniform Commercial Code.

The attendees hailed from a wide variety of stakeholders including: representatives from more than 20 states; major third-party auditors including several representatives of Kelmar; numerous trade associations including representatives of the securities and the life insurance industries, and general business associations such as the Council on State Taxation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Several representatives from the state of Delaware were in attendance; Delaware is a state that has historically not adopted any of the Uniform Acts and is considered one of the most aggressive states in interpreting its unclaimed property laws to the detriment of holders.

As to the Act itself, no policy or language is set in stone at this point, but the Drafting Committee took votes on numerous issues in order to give the reporter (the person responsible for actually drafting potential language for the Act) guidance.  The votes by the Drafting Committee were a mixed bag from a holder’s perspective, and a lot could still change before the final Act is adopted.   Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the Committee rejected banning states from using contract auditors as well as rejected banning states from using contingency fees to pay such auditors.  The Committee also voted to allow both estimation and sampling in unclaimed property audits (though there was some confusion demonstrated by the Committee’s discussions and questions regarding the difference between these two).  The Committee left discretion with the reporter regarding the inclusion of guidelines and limitations on use of such audit techniques.  The Committee also rejected exempting from remittance low balance property – a proposal supported by the American Bar Association and a proposal that would be an administrative benefit to holders.

The Committee voted to change the interest provision on holders for unremitted balances from offering a flat rate option to solely a floating interest rate pegged to a T-bill + standard.  Currently some states have interest rates of 12 percent and 18 percent.  The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators lobbied to leave the interest rate up to the individual states because every state has different investment profiles.  This was ultimately a losing argument as it was noted that if any state is currently getting 12 percent or 18 percent on its investments, everyone wanted to know what that state was doing so they could do the same.  The Committee also voted to include, for discussion purposes only, a draft [...]

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